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Innovation is iterative

Video: The Objects of Our Life

Early morning and I'm watching Steve Jobs' talk at the 1983 International Design Conference in Aspen titled "The Objects of Our Life".

From 13:29 to 14:25, one would think he was describing Google Maps, but he wasn't. Instead, in this scenario, he was describing the Aspen Movie Map.

The Aspen Movie Map was a hypermedia system developed at MIT that enabled the user to take a virtual tour through the city of Aspen, Colorado. It was developed by a team working with Andrew Lippman in 1978 with funding from ARPA.

At 14:26, he delivers an very profound anecdote in regard to innovation:

It's really amazing. That's not incredibly useful but it points to some of the interactive nature of new medium ...

I have been thinking about the last sentence in regard to the latest development in AI (NLP, LLMs, tokenization, blah blah blah).

And now, more than ever, my cemented belief is that innovation is iterative.

Innovate iteratively.

Let me know what your thoughts are about this article hi[at] Cheers!

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